
By Dan L. Gildor & Xinying Valerian Non-compete clauses prohibit employees from working for competitors or starting their own competing businesses for …

By Dan L. Gildor & Xinying Valerian Non-compete clauses prohibit employees from working for competitors or starting their own competing

California is known for its strong employee protections, and overtime pay is no exception. Working long hours is a reality

Ensuring that California employees receive their entitled rest breaks is critical to upholding workers’ rights and maintaining workplace fairness. As

By Xinying Valerian Employees at Aurora Santa Rosa Hospital just got a big reason to celebrate! A recent court decision

California workers, beware! There’s a ballot initiative being put in front of California voters in the November 2024 election that

In a significant victory for employee rights, California’s Assembly Bill 2188 (AB 2188) has prohibited discrimination against employees based on

In California, the food service industry is a vital component of the state’s economy, employing millions of people and contributing

AB 594: Transforming the landscape of worker rights, one legal action at a time.

Una demanda colectiva es un caso presentado por una o más personas en nombre de un grupo más grande de

Los trabajadores merecen todos los beneficios y derechos que se les deben. Desafortunadamente, algunos empleadores intentarán engañar al sistema y

En junio de 2023, un tribunal de apelaciones de California confirmó una indemnización de un tribunal inferior de 7 millones

Derechos de Trabajadores/ 15 de Noviembre, 2022 “Soy generalista de Recursos Humanos en una empresa privada mediana. Le dije a

Si es víctima de un ambiente de trabajo hostil en el trabajo, es posible que se pregunte cómo puede probar


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