Valerian Law, P.C.

2024 California Employment Law Changes

New 2024 California Employment Law Changes with Impact on Employment Litigation and Workplace Rights and Obligations

By Ella Zalon It is that time of year again! New 2024 California employment law changes are afoot. Recent legislative developments in California may prove to be favorable for many California employees. Governor Newsom recently signed a slew of bills that will be applicable to nearly all California employees, while some are industry-specific. Listed below …

New 2024 California Employment Law Changes with Impact on Employment Litigation and Workplace Rights and Obligations Read More »

Banderas rojas de clasificación errónea

Los trabajadores merecen todos los beneficios y derechos que se les deben. Desafortunadamente, algunos empleadores intentarán engañar al sistema y negar a los trabajadores todos los beneficios del empleo. La clasificación errónea de los empleados como contratistas independientes es problemática en el lugar de trabajo moderno y puede ser una estrategia intencional para privar a …

Banderas rojas de clasificación errónea Read More »

California Appeals Court affirms $7 million verdict for Whistleblower retaliation case

Otra victoria para los denunciantes: Zirpel contra Alki David Productions

En junio de 2023, un tribunal de apelaciones de California confirmó una indemnización de un tribunal inferior de 7 millones de dólares en daños y perjuicios al demandante Karl Zirpel por represalias por denunciante en Zirpel contra Alki David Productions. Un jurado determinó que el empleador de Zirpel, Alki David Productions (ADP), había despedido ilegalmente …

Otra victoria para los denunciantes: Zirpel contra Alki David Productions Read More »

California Appeals Court affirms $7 million verdict for Whistleblower retaliation case

Another Win for Whistleblowers: Zirpel v. Alki David Productions

By Alex Li A California appeals court in June 2023 affirmed a lower court award of $7 million dollars in damages to plaintiff Karl Zirpel for whistleblower retaliation in Zirpel v. Alki David Productions. A jury had found that Zirpel’s employer, Alki David Productions (ADP), had illegally fired Zirpel after he raised safety concerns regarding …

Another Win for Whistleblowers: Zirpel v. Alki David Productions Read More »

microaggressions in employment law

How the Language of “Microaggressions” Plays Out in Employment Law

By Ella Zalon (7/28/2023) Commonly experienced in workplace settings, microaggressions are comments or behaviors made due to underlying biases held towards certain groups. They point to an implicit attitude one may hold about a protected class (e.g., ethnic, racial, gender minorities) and can be overlooked or unnoticed by bystanders. Microaggressions may not be direct remarks …

How the Language of “Microaggressions” Plays Out in Employment Law Read More »

workers rights

Podrías ser un denunciante incluso si no lo sabes.

Derechos de Trabajadores/ 15 de Noviembre, 2022 “Soy generalista de Recursos Humanos en una empresa privada mediana. Le dije a mi gerente de departamento que no deberíamos disuadir a los empleados de hablar sobre el pago, porque eso podría ser ilegal. Aprendí esto en una capacitación organizada por nuestra firma de abogados de empleo externo …

Podrías ser un denunciante incluso si no lo sabes. Read More »

California Supreme Court Upholds Workers' Rights

The Path Forward Is Clear for California Workers Suing as Private Attorneys General

By Dan Gildor Workers in California rejoiced this week after the California Supreme Court resolved an issue that threatened to curtail lawsuits by workers to penalize employers for not complying with the California Labor Code. The Court sided with workers’ rights and held that the individual workers who sue their employer pursuant to the California …

The Path Forward Is Clear for California Workers Suing as Private Attorneys General Read More »

An Employee Until Proven Otherwise: Determining Your Independent Contractor Status Under California Law

By Eileen Torrez  Being misclassified as an independent contractor when you should be classified as an employee can have significant implications for workers. It can impact your job security, how much you pay in taxes, and whether you are protected by the law if something goes wrong.  Learning more about the laws governing worker classification, …

An Employee Until Proven Otherwise: Determining Your Independent Contractor Status Under California Law Read More »