Morris v SBHH
Sacramento Behavioral Hospital Workers Pursue Wage and Hour Class Action
Case Document
- Filed 2022; Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 34-2022-00330937-CU-OE-GDS
- Plaintiff, a registered nurse, seeks to recover compensation for nurses and mental health workers at Sacramento Behavioral Healthcare Hospital.
- Plaintiff also seeks compensation for all California-based hourly employees of Signature Healthcare Services, the parent company.
- Class action status to be determined.
Case Description
This is a putative class action on behalf of licensed and unlicensed nursing staff at Sacramento Behavioral Healthcare Hospital. The action seeks to recover wage damages, interest, and penalties for the denial of overtime wages following adoption of an Alternative Workweek Schedule, as well as meal break violations and rest break violations.
Acting as Plaintiff and Proposed Class Representative Kristal Morris seeks to recover wage damages, interest, and penalties on behalf of Sacramento Behavioral Healthcare Hospital employees, among other remedies. We are investigating the improper implementation of overtime wage waivers associated with an Alternative Workweek Schedule for employees in the Nursing Department and the Assessment and Referral Departments. Our case alleges that illegal AWS elections resulted in employees being deprived of proper overtime pay after 8 hours of work in a day.
We are also investigating meal and rest break violations, in which employees had late, short, or missed breaks; were discouraged from claiming and reporting such breaks; and were not fully paid for all late, short, or missed breaks.
The class action lawsuit also alleges statewide violations of the rules governing employees’ itemized wage statements. The violations range from not providing itemized wage statements for a period of time in 2021 to failure to accurately state the hours and corresponding rates of pay on all hourly employee paystubs.
We are also investigating whether employees were required to sign waivers and arbitration agreements.
If you would like to share information for our class action investigation, please contact us at 888-686-1918 or fill out the Contact form below.

We invite employees to contact our law firm to share their experiences or observations.
Xinying Valerian
Managing Partner